Country Specific/International/NGO's
Most organizations dealing w/current disaster relief are running 24/7 - not enough staff-resources to look for you. Due to communication problems & overwhelming amount of work loads, it may help organizations if you contact agencies directly. They may be looking for you in another agency or NGO & may be desperate for your expertise & skills.
Interaction--American Council for Voluntary International Action - Huge list & info on International NGOs. (also paid service for job postings)ok if you want to do that...otherwise.. USE THEIR DATA BASE TO SEARCH FOR ORGANIZATION INFO.
Fredskorpset is Norway's volunteer sending agency. Those who travel abroad as Fredskorps participants are aged between 22 and 35 and work for the partners for a period of one to three years.
The German Development Service (DED) sends development workers to work with its partners in host countries to reduce poverty, promote human rights, democracy and for conflict resolution.
JVC-Japan International Volunteer Center --
Australian Volunteers International --
The Volunteer Service Abroad (VSA) is the New Zealand equivalent of Australian Volunteers International.
The VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas) is the British equivalent of Australian Volunteers International.
Global Volunteering Network -- A non profit organisation in New Zealand which places volunteers in community projects in China, Ecuador, Ghana, Nepal, New Zealand, Romania, Russia, Thailand, and Uganda. Volunteers participate in a variety of educational, environmental and community aid programs.
Source: Feedback from on Adwait Ullal's blog on dotnetjunkies
Most organizations dealing w/current disaster relief are running 24/7 - not enough staff-resources to look for you. Due to communication problems & overwhelming amount of work loads, it may help organizations if you contact agencies directly. They may be looking for you in another agency or NGO & may be desperate for your expertise & skills.
Interaction--American Council for Voluntary International Action - Huge list & info on International NGOs. (also paid service for job postings)ok if you want to do that...otherwise.. USE THEIR DATA BASE TO SEARCH FOR ORGANIZATION INFO.
Fredskorpset is Norway's volunteer sending agency. Those who travel abroad as Fredskorps participants are aged between 22 and 35 and work for the partners for a period of one to three years.
The German Development Service (DED) sends development workers to work with its partners in host countries to reduce poverty, promote human rights, democracy and for conflict resolution.
JVC-Japan International Volunteer Center --
Australian Volunteers International --
The Volunteer Service Abroad (VSA) is the New Zealand equivalent of Australian Volunteers International.
The VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas) is the British equivalent of Australian Volunteers International.
Global Volunteering Network -- A non profit organisation in New Zealand which places volunteers in community projects in China, Ecuador, Ghana, Nepal, New Zealand, Romania, Russia, Thailand, and Uganda. Volunteers participate in a variety of educational, environmental and community aid programs.
Source: Feedback from on Adwait Ullal's blog on dotnetjunkies
my name is Eric and I'm a firefighter from chicago,IL USA and I would like to offer my assistiance. I have extensive experance in Fire/Rescue/Emergency medical care. I could get more firefighters in necessary. If I can help in any way please email me @
You have serious issues. I hope your family never has to suffer in the same way that these people have.