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Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Free legal help offered - UK and South East Asia

Via email from Graham Bucknall, LawWorks Manager of the Solictors Pro Bono Group in London
...we are coordinating the provision of free legal help for those affected by the Tsunami. There is a [UK] helpline number (020-7090-7363) where contact details can be left.

We have volunteer lawyers who will call, take details of the help required and then we offer them to our volunteer lawyers. We have a very large number of lawyers and firms involved. To date, any case has been accepted within the hour.

I will emphasise that this is a genuine free service. We have worked with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Law Society etc.
In response to our email, Mr Bucknall clarifies:
Mainly the help was set up for UK residents but some of the firms we have on our list have offices in the far east and so international cases may be picked up by such a firm.
Solictors Pro Bono's dedicated tsunami site is at http://www.tsunamilegalhelp.org.uk/, and they can also be contacted via email to tsunami@probonogroup.org.uk.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Letters from Children for Victims

Kristen James


I am a teacher at a local elementary school and I have a group of students that want to send cards to the tsunami victims

Please email if you have an address of school. camp or hospital who may welcome letters from children

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Can do needs assessment in Thailand

Get in touch if you know of any specific location in Thailand where local data is needed to better direct relief operations

Contact me
via this form


Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Childcare vounteer

From a blog reader:

Val Turner (val.turner@wealden.gov.uk says
Hi, I would like to come out and help. I am very concerned about the number of small children that have been left orphaned and wonder if there is something I can do in any small way with a lot of love in my heart? I have run a playgroup and well used to looking after/entertaining little ones. Though of course, I am willing to do anything to help where it is needed. I look forward to hearing from you. Val

Monday, January 10, 2005

Message board for volunteers and aid organisations in German

Message board for volunteers and aid organisations in German
Dirk Jung has set up a German language message board for volunteers who want to travel to the disaster region, and for organisations who are looking for volunteers to help there.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

South Indian NGO requires Media Cell/Communications Co-ordinator

-- From a blog comment --

Contact-Annette Merle Cleveland
Coordinator - Communication Cell
The Tsunami - South India NGO Coordination Cell
#4 Sathalvar Street, Mogappair, West Chennai 600058
Phone: 044-26244211, 044-26357854
URL: www.prepare-india.org
Email: prepare@vsnl.com

Hello, Would you know of anybody who can help us in communications. We are in desperate need of help.

Wanted: Communications person.

It has been exactly a week since the tsunami struck the Indian subcontinent and around 1,50,000 people have been affected. Aid and relief operations are continuing on a war footing, even as the number of dead keeps rising everyday.

The Tsunami-South India NGO Coordination Cell was set up to coordinate the overwhelming response from Indian voluntary sector for the Tsunami disaster. We believe that a coordinated effort on behalf of the NGO community will result in maximum help being given in a timely and organised manner rather than everyone doing their little bit in stray areas. Therefore, we are partnering with 20 NGOs in Tamil Nadu to support relief and rehabilitation activities.

A Communication Cell has already been set up at Chennai, to communicate to individuals, donors, volunteers and funding agencies; and to handle media relations. We are now in need of a person who can be a part of this unit and help us prepare proposals for Indian and International grant-making organisations, trusts and foundations; and develop appeals/ reports. The person will be based at Chennai.

If you feel you have the suitable skills and experience in proposal/ report writing or know of someone who might be interested, please do write to Babita Verma or Annette Merle Cleveland at prepare@vsnl.com or call 044-26244211, 044-26357854.

Note: The above profile is only an indication of the nature of work and can change with time and circumstances. In addition, the communication person will be expected to perform any responsibilities that will be assigned to him or her from time to time.

From,The Tsunami-South India NGO Coordination Cell.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Telecom / Communications Professional Offering Assitance

Telecom / Communications professional looking for opportunities to help in tsunami-affected region. Please post info on where to go for such (or forward my e-mail to appropriate party(ies). chas@gci.net

Friday, January 07, 2005

Paramedic volunteers available from Netcare, South Africa

Netcare is a large medical rescue and evacuation company in South Africa. More than fifty Para-medics at Netcare are willing to volunteer in their individual capacities.

Any orginazation/group that can help to organise, please contact Marcel Combrinck [removed]

Doctor from UK volunteers to help

Hi, I am Owais Ahmed and I am a doctor from Pakistan. I am currently doingMasters in Health Studies(Public Health) from UK. i want to offer myservices for the crisis. My details are as follows:

Education: MBBS. Currently doing MSc Health Studies from Middlesex University;including subjects as Health & Social Care, Public Health and HealthWelfare & Citizenship.

Experience:Health Care Officer

Responsibilities include:

To implement the curative and preventive health services
To maintain OPD, medicine and revenue record
To supervise & Monitor all BHU staff
To monitor and manage the overall functions of the BHU as well as the programme and
to submit the progress report
Clinical internship in Medicine & surgery
Carry out In & Out patient clinics
Performing Medical & Surgical
Emergency Department duties
Execute Polio vaccination program & Campaign in the Community
Dealing with Surgical & trauma cases

You can contact me through any International Organization forassisstance so that I can have the visa easily.

My Contact details are:
43 Orchard Road
Ponders End - Enfield, Middlesex
London, United Kingdom EN3 4PJ
Cell # 44 7951 330660

O. Ahmed

More Volunteers - Engineers willing to help

--- Collated from the blog comments---

My name is John Fusco i'm 39 yrs old a fitter and turner i'm good with my hands especially within the hands on engineering.i can fix things from pumps to cars industrial machinery, etc But i'm also willing to do whatever it takes to help these poor people to get back on their feet. I'm fit & healthy and ready top roll my sleaves up.i can be contacted .


I really want to help the people affected by the tsunami. I dont really have any skills like being able to build or anything but I realyl want to do something. Im a good listener and stuff like that! please contact me volcanos_princess@hotmail.com

I feel so helpless and need to do something!

I am a manager with a broadcast/IT/telecoms engineering firm. I and other engineers would like to volunteer to go to South-East Asia region to assist in the restoration of telecoms etc. We would also like to help get local radio stations up and running/back on air so people can share important information.

I know healthcare and food is critical right now but we just want to help. I'm making enquiries but if anyone can suggest who I should contact so our effort has maximum effect please, please email me at padams@msdinc.com.

Hi my name is James, and I am an engineering graduate of Mechanical Engineering for the environment and developing countries.
I have been working for two years for a mechanical engineering firm, and would like to help out in the Tsunami crisis, preferably as an engineer, but in any capacity. I am 24, fully fit, and can put my hand to most things e.g. cooking, building, cleaning, organising etc. I can speak German, and can understand French.
Please contact me at: rodders@e-garfield.com

Willing to clean up the mess - Volunteer from Hollland

--- From a blog reader ---

I would like to help claen up the mess and build up the buildings in Azie with a few friends. We have our own reachtruck,pickloaders,tractors,trucks etc etc. Is there anybody who knows a organisation or address to phone or mail to, who needs us??

Please contact me at: dirkbijlsmajr@hotmail.com in Holland.

Greatings Dirk.

Seattle , USA Volunteers (Medical Assistants) willing to help - Directions Needed

--- From a blog reader---

My name is Ken Johnston. I am writing to you from Seattle Washington, United States.
I'm an Medical Assistant very concerned about the disaster in SE Asian. I have been trying to find out how our group can get over to SE Asia and help with the Tsunami disaster.

There are many other people wanting to volunteer. But this is my problem: I and a number of other people don't really know how to go about finding an organization we can join without months of waiting for applications to be completed.

We are asking anyone in SE Asia who might give us information for volunteers coming over there to help.

We are sending some people to Bankok in a week to establish an office to give us more information. But we feel that going to help in Sri Lanka might be needed more. But we are not sure.

We are concerned as well about the understandable disorganization around sending too many people and supplies to one place and not enough to many other places.

What we need are some solid contacts who can inform us as to what needs we can help with as far as sending volunteers.

I would be eternally grateful.

We want to help!

Thoughts? Ideas? Help? let me (us) know, please.

Ken Johnston
(Seattle, WA)

please reply to:


Also: Here's my number 206-478-4384 in the States, just in case.

As well, there are some links below to the group we associate with:

You can go here to see what's up with the group and join in the discussion:

and also go to:
United Volunteers
"...because I didn't want to just sit here and do nothing"

Travel Med Clinics for Vaccines in Seattle: http://www.co.whatcom.wa.us/health/community/immunizations/travel.jsp

Thursday, January 06, 2005

United Volunteers - deploying volunteers to South Asia

To Whom It May Concern:

United Volunteers is an organization dedicated to organizing the deployment of civilian volunteers into Southeast Asia. Many individuals are going to Asia ill-advised and without the necessary precautions. At United Volunteers, we have contacts with local relief agencies that we work with to coordinate volunteers to meet the demand, an international office in Bangkok that serves as a meeting point in Asia, and present volunteers with all the medical information needed to prepare themselves for volunteering.

Please visit http://www.unitedvolunteers.com/. We do not seek donations; every volunteer is required to pay for 100% of their own medical expenses.

For the cause,
Jeff Pan
Director of Operations
United Volunteers

Help Offered From a IT/Telecom Firm

From one of our readers:

I am a manager with a broadcast/IT/telecoms engineering firm. I and other engineers would like to volunteer to go to South-East Asia region to assist in the restoration of telecoms etc. We would also like to help get local radio stations up and running/back on air so people can share important information.

I know healthcare and food is critical right now but we just want to help. I'm making enquiries but if anyone can suggest who I should contact so our effort has maximum effect please, please email me at padams@msdinc.com.

More Volunteers

--- From Blog Readers---

Hi my name is James, and I am an engineering graduate of Mechanical Engineering for the environment and developing countries.
I have been working for two years for a mechanical engineering firm, and would like to help out in the Tsunami crisis, preferably as an engineer, but in any capacity. I am 24, fully fit, and can put my hand to most things e.g. cooking, building, cleaning, organising etc. I can speak German, and can understand French.

Please contact me at: rodders@e-garfield.com


Hi all ..
i'm from indonesia with my limitations cant do enough for helping out the tsunami victims... but i am very very concern about child trafficing issue .. its been reported that there are some possibilities of child trafficing of children survived the tsunami .. any suggestions or input or idea whatsoever so we can all prevent this to happening ... ??


Just as a myriad of the world’s inhabitants have been searching for means to survive, I have been searching for means in which to help. In addition to monetary donations, I wish to donate my time and work. I also would like to remind everyone that rebuilding will take years. The nations affected by the recent events were changed in an instant, but it will take a lifetime to recover and move on. Humanitarian support in many forms will be required for months and years to come. I myself hope to lend a helping hand in the future, but I do realize that due to the current situation it is simply not plausible to do so at this time. I am willing to provide assistance in any form. I speak English and German. I have had much experience in regards to social work, counseling, project organization and assessment. I hope that the outpouring of assistance continues and leads to expanded solidarity between nations, and greater recognition of tragedies experienced everyday all over the world.

Bryan Brasher

Help Offered by a Chinese Magazine run by Tzuchi

--- From a blog reader ---

I'm writing for a magazine published by Tzuchi, one of
the largest humanitarian organization by Chinese. The
magazine is often used as a supporting evidence why
readers from all over the world needs to fund relief
efforts like this. I will be travelling to Pondicherry
and covering Cuddalore, especially the plight of the
fishermen. If you can get me in contact with your
ground relief volunteers in these areas, it will be

excellent, as I will be indirectly highlighting your
work as well. I think a lot of times, money pours into
western aid agencies because they have easier access
to international media. We are doing our part to
counter this imbalance.

Mobile: +65-9457-1277

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Help Offered from a Harvard Law Student

From our comments:

Hi, my name is Erin Abrams and I am a student at Harvard Law School in Boston. Before law school, I worked for Save the Children for several years on women's and childrens rights, humanitarian emergencies and poverty reduction initiatives in India and Nepal. I would like to come to a tsunami affected country from Jan.21-Feb.1 on my vacation and assist in any way possible. I have legal, international human rights, and program organization skills, as well as experience working with refugees and internally displaced persons in conflict regions. please email me at eabrams [at] law.harvard.edu. Thanks.

Offer to volunteer in Phuket & Aceh

From our readers:

Me and 2 friends would like to volunteer to help in Phuket and then to Aceh. We will be in Phuket this weekend and then to Aceh anytime from there to help for a few months.I have volunteered previously in childcare and also counseling work. Veronica has First Aid experience and Joe has numerous volunteer work with mainly AIDS and disabled children in Africa and Middle East. We would really like to help out in relief work and look forward tohearing from your organization.

We speak English, Mandarin, Cantonese Italian and Japanese.

Our contact details:
Carey Chung +86 13916024606 careychung@gmail.com Veronica Lee +65 92762644 svsvvv@yahoo.com

Help Offered in Sri Lanka

I'm part Sri Lankan/Indian living in Toronto, Canada. I have degrees in both Anthropology & Women's Studies & currently finishing up my masters. I also have a diploma in refugee studies & a diploma in counselling. On the practical front, I have been in refugee camps in Sri Lanka & am familiar with the conditions that exist ordinarily in camps. However, I am aware that this situation is unique & there are no permanent camps thus far. I have worked & volunteered in several NGOs& relief organizations closely with Refuggees & displaced people, especially with women & children. I am looking to either volunteer or work with the people in the long term reconstruction & rebuilding process, in the Eastern & Northern provinces of Sri Lanka because I speak Tamil. This would be my first preference, but I would be willing to work in Tamil Nadu, India as well for a shorter period of time because I lived in Chennai. I am willing to commit up 6 months to start with & may be more. I will pay my own passage, however I would need basic boarding & lodging while I am there. Please pass on my information to organizations that require this kind of contribution.

Thank You & my contact details are
Lydia Sashikala Winslow

Interested Volunteers in London - Co-ordination

From our reader:

Many people who want to volunteer are posting their contact information which is great!, but I think those who have special skills should contact charity organizations directly or the red cross. Others (including me)who want to help in any way should organize by themselves because so far only Crossroad Organization is recruiting volunteers. I'm interested in helping Thailand as I've been there . Though, I haven't found information about where the relief camps are. Yesterday I read in a British newspaper an article about holidaymakers who have gone to the affected areas and helped the local people. I'd like to do that, but it will be much easier to work in a team. I'm only 20 years old, mexican staying at London. I've worked in schools in Northeast Thailand and Africa. If someone is interested in creating a small project and going there to help, I'll appreciate if you contact me: jazgiovanni2010@yahoo.com

Charity organizations cannot recruit volunteers easily because their policies are very strict in these situations. We could know exactly what the local people need by going there, otherwise we'll rely only on the media that sometimes doesn't reflect the real situation.

"There is hardly a family in Khao Lok that has not lost someone, yet the people here show their appreciation to the many Western visitors, such as Rachel Henderson, 21, from Camden Town, in North London, who pitched in with two student friends to help to run an open-air feeding centre."

Full article

Help Offered from a US Combat Veteran

My name is Cedric, I am a 21 year old Combat Veteran, i served nine months in Iraq in both combat and peace operations. i served three years ending five months ago. i am willing to volunteer my time to aid the countries affected. I have experience as a leader and as a worker and think i may be helpful or beneficial to your program. I have an expired U.S. passport and need to get it renewed.I ask you to please expedite your response. Thank you and the people of the world are watching how a little compassion can resonate throughout the world. I can be contacted at (310)-800-5901 or SirCedricAllen@msn.com

Volunteer Willing to Work in Aceh, Indonesia

I am a Canadian teacher working abroad in the midle-East. I speak English, French and Arabic. I can provide my ticket to the region of South-East Asia (Indonesia or any other destination of Tsunami disaster).I have three weeks of Holidays and I would like to help in the ground in Banda Aceh (Indonesia) or any other Tsunami's affected area.Please let me know who I should contact.

My email is : drissi@mcs.sci.kuniv.edu.kw
or drissi_math@yahoo.com

Help Offered from a Thailand Teacher

From our reader Comments:

I live in Thailand, speak English and Thai and really want to help in any way i can. I am a teacher and can work with children. Please contact me if there is anything I can do. My email is sgk090@yahoo.com.

Help Offered from a Paris School

We're in need of information. Our school, Ecole active Bilinge, in Paris has decided to contribute in any way possible (monetary and otherwise) towards the reconstruction/sustenance of a school in the affected area. I would be grateful if anyone who can get hold of information about schools that need aid in the areas (namely Thailand, Sri Lanka, Indonesia) to contact me immediately at xanadu@gmail.com. Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter.

Help Offered from a High School Student Council

I am from Boyceville High School in Boyceville, Wisconsin. Our student council is interested in helping any way that we can, and we were wondering if there are any relief societies that would accept non-perishable food donations? We feel that it would be easier to hold a food drive in our community than to try and raise food. I would appreciate a response. You may contact me personally at womanofdunedain@yahoo.com

Help Offered From a Hydrogeologist

As I sit here at my computer, I wonder what I can do to help the thousands of people who have been affected by the recent earthquake in the Indian Ocean. There seems so much water everywhere yet unable to be utilised.

I am a qualified Hydrogeologist specialised in borehole siting, drilling and construction, groundwater resource evaluation and management, contaminant transfer modelling and hydrogeological risk assessment of contaminated water. My father, also a Hydrogeologist and MD of several firms abroad, has over 25 years of groundwater and engineering experience; combined we bring nearly 35 years of experience and skill to the table.

We are a father and son team who wish to help in anyway possible please contact; david.farr@atkinsglobal.com jfarr@wellfield.co.bw

DNA analyst volunteering for victim identification

From mail to our team:

I'm Brazilian. I'm a Biologist, and I work in a DNA analysis laboratory for about 3 years here in Brazil. I work mostly with paternity test and some forensic cases. I can see that one big problem after Tsunami is the victims identification. So, I was wondering if I can find a job at some lab that is making this identifications. I think they will need many specialists in this area. This is the opportunity to do something really good for me and many otherpeople. So if you can help me, I´m looking for this labs to make some contact.

Thank you very much.
Julio Cesar Teixeira Francisco
Técnico Responsável
EXACTGENE - Análises em DNA
Email: julio@exactgene.com.br

Doctor at Philippines General Hospital wants to send medicines

From a mail to our team:

Inquiring re: how to get drug donations to countries in need.

Hello, sir. I just browsed through your blog and I think I can provide some medicine for those affected by the tsunami. I'm from the Philippines so can you direct me to a Philippine taskforce / drop off center where I can send the medicine to. If there aren't any, can you suggest a way in which I can send you the medicine? Thanks!

Dr. Mic Agbayani
Department of Medicine
Philippine General Hospital
Email: mjagbayani@gmail.com

More volunteers

From mails to our team:

Lyn Doyle - i am a 23 year old girl who feels helpless to the unfortunate innocents of the horrific tsunami quake. every day i watch the newsreports and it leaves me feeling inadequate as i have yet tocontribute anything to their need. i cannot donate any money as i amcurrently unemployed and have no savings. but i desperately want tohelp in anyway i can, so i would be grateful if you could forward meany info. on how this can be achieved. ideally i would like to travelout to one of the affected areas to help rebuild a way of life. Email: dusty_81@msn.com

Richard - i am male 30 fit and willing. i am wanting to find out if there is anyway i can help. I can turn my hand to anything you want and my mother is an RGN nurse. we offer our help in anyway we can. Contact email: TMCRacing@aol.com, phone: 01423 881582 UK. Please can you get me in touch with some1 as i am not working at themoment and know that i could get more people to come out with me.

Mike Newby - Are there any agancies that are sending volunteers from the USA? I would like to volunteer if i can be of use. My occupation back ground is computers and computer networks plus phone systems if you could direct me to some agency that can use my help please do so.
Email: mnewby@hctc.com

More volunteers

From mails to our team:

Patrick Perera - I am working closely with the STF to transport and distribute supplies primarily to the East of Sri Lanka. At the moment we are supplying to the coastal areas between Pandirippu andPanama. We currently have around eleven large trucks for transportationof goods and personnel on the ground to assist with distribution. We require supplies which we will pick up in most location in and aroundColombo and areas inland. We should also be able to provide assistancemoving areas to other parts of the island as well. Email :[Information removed on Patrick's request; please contact him via his blog
, if you should want to get in touch.]

Nicky Clark - i am a female firefighter (6 years) with somemedical training. i have used light portable pumps and cutting equipment. i am available to help abroad for atleast 6 weeks, i willpay for any costs of flights and transfers etc. i have consulted mydoctor and had the required injections. Email:christian@pottsbarn.wanadoo.co.uk Phone: 01458274942 or 07970433680

Daran Jones - I am an ex British serviceman with first aid instructional experience and am trained in health and safety, food hygine/preperation. aditionally am trained and competent in a variety of outdoor activities, including survival training. I am an able bodied person who is willing to give help and assitance to anyorganisation willing to afford the flight ticket to Indonesia, theworst hit area. I have a valid british pasport, and am willing to provide support and assistance in planning, searching, or just manning a soup tent, or supplying first aid. Email daran@dott64.fsnet.co.uk, Postal address: 28 Darwin Close,Broughton Astley Leicester England le96xd. I am currently unemployed and willing to embark once plans are made.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Help offered in Phuket, Thailand during late Jan

My husband and I were panning a vacation in Phuket, Thailand for January 15-30. In light of the awful events, we decided we'll still go and volunteer in any way we can. We have dear friends in India and Thailand and feel so fortunate that no one we love was lost. We want to help those who are suffering.

As for our skills: We've both got some backcountry medicine skills-- but are not doctors. We're writers/editors/teachers, in our 30s and fit, and we've both lived in third world countries, have good organizational/leadership skills, and have build houses with Habitat for Humanity. We know it'll be tough and we are ready to help any way that's needed. If anyone knows how civilians can get involved and assist, and what help is most needed, please contact us: megan_ga29@hotmail.com or brianshott@hotmail.com

We're also getting in touch with World Vision, CARE, Red Cross, and Doctors Without Borders.

Megan Gallagher & Brian Shott
San Francisco, CA

More Volunteers - US, Australia

--- From the blog ----

Does anybody know of any centres setup in Brisbane/Australia to collect clothes,shoes and blankets.

If there is none, would there be any volunteers to help me setup? Please email me on redhotseller_a@yahoo.com.au.


I am looking to help the victims by giving something other than money. I live in florida and leanred this year what a natural disaster can do to a community. I would also like to include a group of nine yr olds in my efforts. Does anyone have any ideas of what to do or collect or who to contact? thanks!



I have 2 daughters who live in thailand and my wife and i are hoping to move there permanently this year. I am hoping to give voluntary help for as long as it is necessary, paying my own expenses fully.
I am used to long hours and hard work and would welcome the opportunity to help in any way possible, i have a longstanding background in organisational and logistical skills within transportation, and general management.
I am available at short notice.
Contact me at peter.busuttil@btopenworld.com


I am from California and would very much like to volunteer in SE Asia, doing anything I can to help. I know a lot of people have requested similar info-has anyone found an organization that is in need of volunteers? I am available immediately, and will take care of my own expenses, of course. I just need someone to point me in the right direction. I can be reached at meganmcdonell@hotmail.com

Help Finding Missing Persons in Western Region of US

--- From a Blog Reader ---

I am with major media (broadcast) organization and we’re working on stories about Americans (from the Western region of the United States) looking for and finding their family and friends following the tsunami. If you are still looking for your loved ones, we might be interested in covering your personal search. Please contact me with your contact info (including phone number), as we might be able to help you through our news coverage TsunamiSearch@gmail.com

80 Ceramic Water Filters - Available for Tsunami AID

-- From a Blog Reader---

Greens Water Systems Lincoln UK

We have donated 80 ceramic water filters destined for Sri Lanka via a Buddhist organisation in the UK. We've worked to produce instructions and information about how to deploy and use them in the field. You can see this on our website here: http://water-systems.co.uk/ These will provide clean safe drinking water for about 500 people.

We have a similar amount we're happy to donate but we want to make sure they are sent where they're needed and used effectively. If anyone can use them and help or advise us about the logistics of getting them to South Asia please get in touch via the web site.

Jeremy Heath jheath@water-systems.co.uk

More Volunteers (Including a Medical Lab Technologist)

--- From The Blog Readers ----






My name is Chris. I am 19 and from New York. I have no way to get out there by myself but I am currently not in college and I am willing to help in any way I can. You can contact me at omegapickle@optonline.net


my name is Carrie Rupp and i would love to voluneteer anywhere help is needed, i am willing to volunteer for 2-3 months. i'm living in breckenridge colorado right now. i've got concrete labor experience so if i can be of any help please let me know, my email address is ruphead@hotmail.com talk to you soon i hope.

peace love and respect


Really want to help, but cannot go straight into ground zero areas. also only available from possible mid-february onwards. helping with fundraising over here (UK). Am 17 (but can start from april 24 is you want me to be 18) ready to get hands dirty. possible availability. contact me at 89350@blackpool.ac.uk. am strong and healthy.

More Volunteers

-- From Blog Readers ---

I have 32 years of radio, wireless, antenna site & network construction experience to offer. I can either deploy (if needed) or offer support, consulting & equipment for shipment from Virginia USA.
I can be reached at microwaves (AT) gmail (dOt) com for arrangements

16 yr old, can travel overseas independently, can help in first aid and trasporting of goods and pitching temporary shelter etc etc. From Singapore , very much want to know how i can be a volunteer. I am currently on a school break. send an e-mail.

Help Offered From a Sumatran

I am Sumatran, living in England for seven years, fluent in Indonesian and English, fully qualified carpenter experienced in construction. I am self-employed, so can come when needed to help in Indonesia. Can any organisation use me in construction projects, where my language skills could also be useful?
Email me Jefris c/o: r.l.jones@sussex.ac.uk

VSAT/Internet Help

From our comments section:

I am evaluating providing VSAT internet installation and other services to organisations that may have need of telecommunications and other IT/data/logistical infrastructure. Please see relief.verse.org for some details. I am also seeking interest from skilled volunteers (technical, management, medical, translation), and pledges of resources and funding to aid with this effort.

Offer to volunteer in Sri Lanka

From our comments section:

My name is andrew and i would like to go to sri lanka and help these people. since the incident occured i have not been able to get it off my mind. I have no money and no knowledge on how to get there and get back home. i would like to join up with some missionaries and stay with them while i am there. If you know of any way that i can do this please contact me at 1616 696 9660 thank you

How to help people of Andaman and Nicobar Islands?

Essential guide to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands for the volunteers who wish to travel and help in rescue efforts.

Source: Rediff

Monday, January 03, 2005

Looking for Volunteers

From our Comments Section, reader requests:

I am a Scientology Volunteer Minister. We have teams of volunteers on the ground in India, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Indonesia, and we are looking for more volunteers who want to go, and for donations so we can send our teams over and support them while they are there.

I have posted information I've gotten about what we are doing on My Volunteer Minister Blog
(my own blog). There is a Volunteer Minister hotline you can call, at 1-800-435-7498 or e-mail vm@volunteerministers.org

The only good thing about this entire disaster is the way people are responding to help one another. I am once again confirmed in my belief in the goodness of my fellow man.

Country Specific/International/NGO's


Most organizations dealing w/current disaster relief are running 24/7 - not enough staff-resources to look for you. Due to communication problems & overwhelming amount of work loads, it may help organizations if you contact agencies directly. They may be looking for you in another agency or NGO & may be desperate for your expertise & skills.

Interaction--American Council for Voluntary International Action - Huge list & info on International NGOs. (also paid service for job postings)ok if you want to do that...otherwise.. USE THEIR DATA BASE TO SEARCH FOR ORGANIZATION INFO. www.interaction.org/disaster

Fredskorpset is Norway's volunteer sending agency. Those who travel abroad as Fredskorps participants are aged between 22 and 35 and work for the partners for a period of one to three years. www.fredskorpset.no

The German Development Service (DED) sends development workers to work with its partners in host countries to reduce poverty, promote human rights, democracy and for conflict resolution. www.gm-unccd.org

JVC-Japan International Volunteer Center -- http://www1.jca.apc.org/jvc/en

Australian Volunteers International -- www.ifrc.org/jobs

The Volunteer Service Abroad (VSA) is the New Zealand equivalent of Australian Volunteers International. www.vsa.org.nz

The VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas) is the British equivalent of Australian Volunteers International. www.vso.org.uk

Global Volunteering Network -- A non profit organisation in New Zealand which places volunteers in community projects in China, Ecuador, Ghana, Nepal, New Zealand, Romania, Russia, Thailand, and Uganda. Volunteers participate in a variety of educational, environmental and community aid programs. www.volunteer.org.nz

Source: Feedback from carol2520@aol.com on Adwait Ullal's blog on dotnetjunkies

More volunteers here

Here are some more volunteers from Adwait Ullal's blog on dotnetjunkies.

More volunteers here

ProPoor Blog has over 200 volunteers wishing to help and plenty of new ideas

Source: ProPoor Blog

Attention: All volunteers

Source: Response on blog

I'm organizing relief organization to help people in South-East Asia disaster area. I have already received contacts from US and here Finland from people who're willing to give their effort for victims of Tsunami.

Ou goal is to get as large number of volunteers as possibly to help local people supplying food/water, temporarily accommodations and so on. My personal goal is to start highly flexible organization which can help people in Sri Lanka, Thailand and Indonesia.

I'm discussing with other organizations, get volunteers as many as possible world wide so we can effectively help people down there.

All volunteers and co-operative people and organizations are warmly welcome to join us. There's lot of things to do and as fast as possible we can start field assistance it's better.


Tell: +358-40-7477-009

Help offered from a Vietnamese

From our Comments Section:

Hi, I am Vietnammese and I would like to help out. I dont have a job now so I can be there as long as somebody still need me. I dont speak Thai or Indonesian but I use English fluently. I can take care of my own transportation there and I can help in any way you want. Please email me at mocamvu@yahoo.com. I am 24, female and healthy.


From Blogger comments

Looking to help over seas. Ready and willing. 22 year old canadian female, looking to povide any assistance. please contact me at lashleytj@yahoo.ca

Online blood donors helpline for Tamil Nadu

I run a blood donors helpline www.indianblooddonors.com . If any bodyneeds blood in Tamilnadu they can log on to the above site.

Best Wishes

Khushroo Poacha


Sunday, January 02, 2005

Help offered : Certified emergency medicine physician

Help offered from certified physician, please contact the person directly with contact details provided:A Southern California Board Certified Emergency Medicine Physician who has 23 years of experience and would be available to volunteer to help the tsunami survivors for up to 8-10 weeks. Contact: Gregory Murphy M.D. +1 909-388-1115