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Sunday, January 09, 2005

South Indian NGO requires Media Cell/Communications Co-ordinator

-- From a blog comment --

Contact-Annette Merle Cleveland
Coordinator - Communication Cell
The Tsunami - South India NGO Coordination Cell
#4 Sathalvar Street, Mogappair, West Chennai 600058
Phone: 044-26244211, 044-26357854
URL: www.prepare-india.org
Email: prepare@vsnl.com

Hello, Would you know of anybody who can help us in communications. We are in desperate need of help.

Wanted: Communications person.

It has been exactly a week since the tsunami struck the Indian subcontinent and around 1,50,000 people have been affected. Aid and relief operations are continuing on a war footing, even as the number of dead keeps rising everyday.

The Tsunami-South India NGO Coordination Cell was set up to coordinate the overwhelming response from Indian voluntary sector for the Tsunami disaster. We believe that a coordinated effort on behalf of the NGO community will result in maximum help being given in a timely and organised manner rather than everyone doing their little bit in stray areas. Therefore, we are partnering with 20 NGOs in Tamil Nadu to support relief and rehabilitation activities.

A Communication Cell has already been set up at Chennai, to communicate to individuals, donors, volunteers and funding agencies; and to handle media relations. We are now in need of a person who can be a part of this unit and help us prepare proposals for Indian and International grant-making organisations, trusts and foundations; and develop appeals/ reports. The person will be based at Chennai.

If you feel you have the suitable skills and experience in proposal/ report writing or know of someone who might be interested, please do write to Babita Verma or Annette Merle Cleveland at prepare@vsnl.com or call 044-26244211, 044-26357854.

Note: The above profile is only an indication of the nature of work and can change with time and circumstances. In addition, the communication person will be expected to perform any responsibilities that will be assigned to him or her from time to time.

From,The Tsunami-South India NGO Coordination Cell.
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