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Friday, January 07, 2005

More Volunteers - Engineers willing to help

--- Collated from the blog comments---

My name is John Fusco i'm 39 yrs old a fitter and turner i'm good with my hands especially within the hands on engineering.i can fix things from pumps to cars industrial machinery, etc But i'm also willing to do whatever it takes to help these poor people to get back on their feet. I'm fit & healthy and ready top roll my sleaves up.i can be contacted .


I really want to help the people affected by the tsunami. I dont really have any skills like being able to build or anything but I realyl want to do something. Im a good listener and stuff like that! please contact me volcanos_princess@hotmail.com

I feel so helpless and need to do something!

I am a manager with a broadcast/IT/telecoms engineering firm. I and other engineers would like to volunteer to go to South-East Asia region to assist in the restoration of telecoms etc. We would also like to help get local radio stations up and running/back on air so people can share important information.

I know healthcare and food is critical right now but we just want to help. I'm making enquiries but if anyone can suggest who I should contact so our effort has maximum effect please, please email me at padams@msdinc.com.

Hi my name is James, and I am an engineering graduate of Mechanical Engineering for the environment and developing countries.
I have been working for two years for a mechanical engineering firm, and would like to help out in the Tsunami crisis, preferably as an engineer, but in any capacity. I am 24, fully fit, and can put my hand to most things e.g. cooking, building, cleaning, organising etc. I can speak German, and can understand French.
Please contact me at: rodders@e-garfield.com
2 Comments Post a Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said :


Let's help to pass the words around. Give your message a larger audience through mass circulation.

3:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

please note that the volunteerministers.org is a scientology organisation

8:16 PM