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Friday, January 01, 1999

Help Offered: INDIVIDUAL VOLUNTEERS 12/28-01/03

01-03 From Blogger comments

01-02 Volunteers willing to work in Sri Lanka

01-02 Volunteers willing to work in Indonesia

01-02 Volunteers from Singapore

01-02 Volunteers for and from Malaysia

01-02 Volunteers willing to work in India

01-02 Volunteers willing to work in Thailand

01-02 Volunteers with experience in building and construction

01-02 More individual volunteers from across the world

01-02 Another 50 individual volunteers available from across the world

01-02 Alternative building materials

01-02 Volunteer available for embalming/mortuary work

01-02 50 individual volunteers available from across the world

01-02 Search Expert Available

01-02 Volunteer available for Sri Lanka

01-02 Volunteer available for one year for building homes

01-02 More volunteers here

01-01 Bereavement Counseling Offered

01-01 Offer to Rebuild School

01-01 Offer from a Guide/Translator in Sri Lanka

01-01 Trip to India Jan 17-Feb 16 Anything to do?

01-01 Offer from Trauma Counselors

12-31 Volunteer from Northern Ireland Willing To Help

12-31 Offer to Adopt Orphans From Tsunami Disaster

12-31 Specialist - Water and Sewage Treatment - Willing to Volunteer

12-31 Assistance Offered for India

12-30 Help offered from Australia

12-30 Singapore - complimentary Reiki healing sessions offered

12-30 Certified Wilderness EMT

12-30 Offer to Come Assist

12-30 Forensic Anthropologist Volunteer

12-30 Looking for Help Out On Phi Phi

12-30 Cooking Experience Offered

12-30 Assistance Offered in Bali

12-30 Assistance Offered in Southern Thailand

12-30 Assistance Offered in Gujurat

12-30 Donations in Philadelphia

12-30 Doctors Willing To Help - US, India, Canada

12-30 More UK Volunteers Willing to Help

12-30 More Interested Volunteers From USA Willing to Help

12-30 Volunteer In UK Ready To Work - IT, Woodwork,Construction Skills

12-30 Australian Ready To Volunteer - Knows bahasa (Indonesia), Extensive Logistics Experience In Indonesia

12-30 Mailing List Members in Chennai - Ready to Volunteer

12-30 Set of Mailing List Members Ready To Volunteer

12-30 Team of 5 volunteers available in Tamil Nadu, India

12-30 Pediatric Resident in US can send medical supplies

12-30 Doctor in Bangalore offers help

12-29 More offers to help

12-28 Cash Donations Help Offered in Mumbai

12-28 Volunteers Offering Help
12 Comments Post a Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said :

URGENT-Ready for Volunteering
Kindly Note

This is Samuel Harris representing a team of 5 people. We all are MBA students and good team workers. We are ready to give our contribution in the Tsunami relief operations. But we don’t have the financial power to start a relief operation on our own.

The best that we can do is to join a team that is already in operation or coordinate a team to do some operation. WE HAVE DONE OUR BEST TO RENDER OUR HELP.

We are even ready to coordinate a team. Kindly contact us anytime.

E-mail: contacttotto@yahoo.com
Samuel Harris: 098954 68788,0484 2555293
Prasanth: 093888 18031

Whatever has to be done should be done immediately. Seeking your response

2:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am a Swiss citizen working for Citibank in Geneva. I have extensive experience in finance and the management of people and would like to volunteer my services to help the victims and families affected by the Tsunami. I am willing to travel and help in anyway. If needed, please contact me on lu.win@citigroup.com

12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am 19 years old and live in Liverpool, UK. Although I have no specialist skills to offer, I am willing to give help wherever needed and am available to travel out to affected areas. JonNugent@hotmail.com

3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Tried to post this previously on this site, do not know if it went, so am posting again.

17 yrs experience in commercial diving; have participated in U/W search& recovery operations, experience in operating boats up to 40', rope and rigging skills, basic first aid, basic computer skills; only spoken language is English but excellent communications and organization skills. 35 years old and physically fit, able to participate in reconstruction efforts or manual labour of any kind. Familiar with pumps and pumping equipment, basic carpentry and plumbing. Able to operate some heavy equipment (tractors, bobcat, small excavator). Would like to volunteer in any capacity in any tsunami-affected area for up to 20 days. Would require ten days notice, transport, basic necessities.


Pat Mowatt, NB CANADA


5:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am an Accident and Emergency Senior Sister with 15 years A&E experience. I want to volunteer my help anywhere in the disaster area but don't know how to go about it.

5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am an Accident and Emergency Senior Sister with 15 years A&E experience. I want to volunteer my help anywhere in the disaster area but don't know how to go about it.

contact lloraine2@blueyonder.co.uk

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am 21 years old and live in Perth, Australia. Although I have no medical skills to offer, I am willing to give help wherever needed and am available to travel out to affected areas. I just graduated with a Science degree and might be able to help out in that area too. I can stay to help for a couple of months if necessary.

3:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

i am a specialist house builder from london uk,i would like to offer my services in any way i can,i can pay flights etc myself,any info on becoming a volunteer in asia would be greatly appreciated my email address is funkyskunk65@aol.com

4:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am an 18 year old Canadian backpacker currently in Australia. I am wondering where to find information on volunteering in an affected area. I have no qualifications but will do anything to help. I plan to stay for 2-3 months. Thanks for any information.

5:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

New Yorker with funds and desire to help looking for information on what i can do. Willing to fly anywhere I am needed. Please provide any information to Paul at: pstadnyk@hotmail.com


2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am currently unemployed, but a former police officer and computer technician. I am willing to volunteer in a Tsunami disaster area. I reside in the United States. I am available for contact at randy_law@hotmail.com or (916)548-7178.

-Randy Law

6:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

we are workedin tsunami affected area tamilnadu in south india.
this is releif,rfhablitation and reconstruction work.
this work notcompleted for financial problem.
so,please help me.
south india,pin:629202.

4:58 AM