Specialist - Water and Sewage Treatment - Willing to Volunteer
--- Tsunami Blog Reader Post----
I am a water/wastewater engineer with 10-years of experience in the design, construction and operation of many municipal water and sewage treatment systems - membrane/RO, direct filtration, disinfection, media filtration, distillation, etc. I offer free engineering or operation assistance from my location in New York, USA (where I am licensed as a Professional Engineer) anytime via phone (home phone 518.377.6642 or work phone 518.218.1801 extension 112) or email (kohara1@nycap.rr.com OR kohara@bartonandloguidice.com). Digital or scanned photos of the problem will be helpful if available, but not necessary. I have a valid passport and could help in person if needed for operation, construction and design of temporary or permanent drinking water or sewage treatment systems - again, this would be at no cost. In this case, please give me as much notice as possible so I can take a leave from my employer. Also, I realize it is selfish to ask, but anything that would offset the cost of my travel expenses would be greatly appreciated, but not required. I hope I am able to help in this way - we have donated money but want to do more. Our deepest sympathies go to all those affected by this horrific event - Keith, Heather and Anna O'Hara.
I am a water/wastewater engineer with 10-years of experience in the design, construction and operation of many municipal water and sewage treatment systems - membrane/RO, direct filtration, disinfection, media filtration, distillation, etc. I offer free engineering or operation assistance from my location in New York, USA (where I am licensed as a Professional Engineer) anytime via phone (home phone 518.377.6642 or work phone 518.218.1801 extension 112) or email (kohara1@nycap.rr.com OR kohara@bartonandloguidice.com). Digital or scanned photos of the problem will be helpful if available, but not necessary. I have a valid passport and could help in person if needed for operation, construction and design of temporary or permanent drinking water or sewage treatment systems - again, this would be at no cost. In this case, please give me as much notice as possible so I can take a leave from my employer. Also, I realize it is selfish to ask, but anything that would offset the cost of my travel expenses would be greatly appreciated, but not required. I hope I am able to help in this way - we have donated money but want to do more. Our deepest sympathies go to all those affected by this horrific event - Keith, Heather and Anna O'Hara.
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