Free legal help offered - UK and South East Asia
Via email from Graham Bucknall, LawWorks Manager of the Solictors Pro Bono Group in London
...we are coordinating the provision of free legal help for those affected by the Tsunami. There is a [UK] helpline number (020-7090-7363) where contact details can be left.In response to our email, Mr Bucknall clarifies:
We have volunteer lawyers who will call, take details of the help required and then we offer them to our volunteer lawyers. We have a very large number of lawyers and firms involved. To date, any case has been accepted within the hour.
I will emphasise that this is a genuine free service. We have worked with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Law Society etc.
Mainly the help was set up for UK residents but some of the firms we have on our list have offices in the far east and so international cases may be picked up by such a firm.Solictors Pro Bono's dedicated tsunami site is at, and they can also be contacted via email to