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Saturday, January 01, 2005

Trauma Experience Offered

Jeremy said :

Two Americans are willing to come and volunteer any relief help needed. We have experience working with trauma survivors. Please contact us if we can be of help in India at jcs3862@aol.com

Bereavement Counseling Offered

Holly said :

I am a 38 year old American business woman located in Great Britain. In addition to being able to assist with project management and skill training for business, I was also a licensed bereavement counselor and juvenile substance abuse counselor in the United States and worked within the death services industry for 10 years. I am available to volunteer in person from now until January 15th if that is of any assistance, however I can also assist with development plans from here in the Uk for an unlimited period of time. Our family would also happily consider fostering children or even adoption if there is anything in place for that yet. My address is: hollyheat@yahoo.com

Offer to Rebuild School

Dziner said :

I am in search of guidance and direction. I would like to help replace or rebuild a school devastated by last weeks Tsunami. I am the Director of a preschool in California. We are putting together a fund raising effort within our school, with the funds to go directly to building or repairing a school.The help I need is as follows:

1. Our Preschool is a for-profit-business, so I would like the assistance of a non-profit so that the contributions will be tax deductible, thus giving incentive to our families to give more.

2. We need assistance finding a community, village, island... where our efforts are truly needed.

3. We need assistance in facilitate and administering our giving.

I would appreciate any assistance you could give.
Thank you,

Jonathan Gathrid

Offer from a Guide/Translator in Sri Lanka

"I am a Sri Lankan born Australian currently in Sri Lanka. I can speak Sinhalese and Tamil very well. Anybody who needs a guide/translator please contact me on k_dushy@yahoo.com.au"

Trip to India Jan 17-Feb 16 Anything to do?

My wife and I have a trip planned to India beginning Jan. 17 in Chicago, arriving in Chennai on Jan. 19, with trip to Madurai/American College and on to Kerala, Goa, Mumbai, Delhi.

I was wondering if (1) there is anything I might take along as baggage to drop off in Chennai/Madurai/Kerala area, (2) there is any community telecom center to visit without getting in people's way.

First thought: How about bringing along computer modeling software for children/youth to propose ways to create "South Asia Tsunami Warning System," and perhaps some power bars or other healthy food.

I would like to explore how to link Illinois-based community technology networks including many at land grant universities serving urban and rural areas throughout the state, with similar community networks in India.

Layton Olson
Director, Midwest Technology Access Group
Sustainability Chair, Illinois Community Technology Consortium
Law firm Howe & Hutton, Ltd. and Telecommunication Innovation and Access

More Here

Offer from Trauma Counselors

Two Americans are willing to come and volunteer any relief help needed. We have experience working with trauma survivors. Please contact us if we can be of help in India at jcs3862@aol.com

Offer of Assistance in India

My name is Oliver Binks, I've been in India since March and have a tourist visa that lasts until May.  I just heard about the tsunami disaster only two days ago and am willing to provide any support possible.  I have experience in building as I've been labouring on a british building site for a couple of years but am willing to do anything to help.  I have no formal qualification but have a lot of experience in working with people and possibly could help with moral support however, I only know the smallest bit of Hindi.  I spent 7 months in the Himalayas in which time I only stayed in a Guest House a few times the rest of my time spent in a tent, I therefore don't mind spending more time in a tent or sharing with/ donating it to other people.  If you could send some information I'd be glad to do anything in my power to ease the suffering of the people involved.   Highest Regards  Oliver
P.S.  I'm in Rajasthan at the moment so will take a few days to get to the effected areas.

contact: mrbinks02@yahoo.co.uk

Finding Missing Persons In Myanmar

The Center for Diplomatic Missions has staff on the ground in Myanmar (Burma) and is willing to relay missing persons inquiries for local effort to locate by phone or address visit.

Send the best available data regarding the person sought, include all hotel names, cities and any other data you may have or suspicion -- the more information you provide the better our staff can assist you.

Communications in and out are difficult-to-impossible, but we have Satphone contact with email relay and will be happy to assist as many as possible.

James A. Howell, Director
The Center for Diplomatic Missions
Washington, DC (202) 331-6640
New York, NY (212) 714-8360
Ft. Lauderdale, FL (954) 588-0264

American EMT Volunteer Ready To Travel Anywhere and Help

--- From a blog reader---

I am an American EMT that is preparing to travel and volunteer to help. I don't know where to go, though. If you can help me find the best way to participate in this relief effort, please e-mail jeccaj@gmail.com
Thank you.

Offer to Adopt Orphans From Tsunami Disaster

-- Blog Reader Post --

Looking for information on possibly adopting an orphan from the Asian Quake/Tsunamis.

Offering Free and Fast Internet Access In Indonesia For Tsunami Relief

--- A Mail was sent to tsunamihelp blogsite spokesperson by a blog reader--

Dear Dina,
we are a local ISP in Medan, Indonesia. we can provide free and fast
internet access at our office to any medias or NGOs to transmit their
images,reports or video back to their headquaters.

Our office is :

wisma BII 4th Floor Suite #411
Jl.Diponegoro No.18
Phone (6261) 4158806
our staff is standby to help from 7AM to 10PM local time.


Friday, December 31, 2004

Canadian Doctor Willing To Help

-- From a blog reader---

I am Doctor in Canada,Is ther any help i can offer to Tsunami Disaster Victims in Asia
Please contact at : rahulcs@canada.com
posted by rahuls

Volunteer from Northern Ireland Willing To Help

--- From a Blog Reader---

My name is Stephanie and I live in Northern Ireland. I am willing to help out in whatever way I can, whether it is building shelters, distrubting or sorting aid etc. I am sure many volunteers are needed in the countries affected in many ways and I am willing to help out in whatever way that I can. Please contact me at stephanie__paul@hotmail.com

Experienced Fire Chief/ Medic - Willing to volunteer

--- From a blog reader----

Experienced Asst. Fire Chief/medic, will pay own expenses, can travel now, don't want to just show up and get in the way; anyone with information on how I might help please email mio@alaska.net. Thanks to all you others out there posting that you would like to donate time and labor.

Specialist - Water and Sewage Treatment - Willing to Volunteer

--- Tsunami Blog Reader Post----

I am a water/wastewater engineer with 10-years of experience in the design, construction and operation of many municipal water and sewage treatment systems - membrane/RO, direct filtration, disinfection, media filtration, distillation, etc. I offer free engineering or operation assistance from my location in New York, USA (where I am licensed as a Professional Engineer) anytime via phone (home phone 518.377.6642 or work phone 518.218.1801 extension 112) or email (kohara1@nycap.rr.com OR kohara@bartonandloguidice.com). Digital or scanned photos of the problem will be helpful if available, but not necessary. I have a valid passport and could help in person if needed for operation, construction and design of temporary or permanent drinking water or sewage treatment systems - again, this would be at no cost. In this case, please give me as much notice as possible so I can take a leave from my employer. Also, I realize it is selfish to ask, but anything that would offset the cost of my travel expenses would be greatly appreciated, but not required. I hope I am able to help in this way - we have donated money but want to do more. Our deepest sympathies go to all those affected by this horrific event - Keith, Heather and Anna O'Hara.

Assistance Offered for India

I got your e-mail addresses from the SEA-EAT blog, I tried to leave a message about volunteering on it but it did not work. I would be grateful if you could inform me on how I can get involved in volunteering with the relief program in southern India. I am an English university graduate and I have volunteered in southern India previously. Although I am in England at the moment I am available to fly out to India, or any of the countries affected by the earthquake, immediately and I am able to stay as long as is needed. Although I do not have any particular skills, I am hard-working and will do anything to help.


Offer in Providing Unlimited VOIP - Singapore Volunteer

-- Posting by Blog Reader ---

I am a service provider for VOIP. I am willing to provide UNLIMITED FREE VOIP calls to US/Canada/Japan/Hongkong/Phil for all our disaster hit friends around the world to call back home. I dunno how my service may help but let me know if there is anything that I could contribute. I am in Singapore and can travel anytime at short notice to help out. If there is anyone that could form a team, that would be great. My contact number 97620900 - tmelvin@pacific.net.sg

Aid India Volunteer Registration Page - Interested Register

AID India has hosted a web page for volunteers where they can provide their contact and experience details.

If you are a interested volunteer please register at:

Help offered from Australia


We would like to volunteer to help. I have over 12 years experience working in the pharmaceutical and medical industry - training doctors and physicians with regards to drugs and medical equipment. I have spent over 5 years working in operating suites and am conversant with virtually all emergency medical drugs and procedures. I also have a diploma in clinical pharmacology. I have visited and worked in India on four separate occasions and have worked with numerous doctors there. I know First Aid and CPR.

My neighbour, Mr Ian Bassham is also a qualified pharmacist with over 40 years experience. He has worked in Australia and abroad in pharmacy and is still currently practising in Australia. He has travelled to the middle east, India and Sri Lanka before and is very family with the country, the people and the culture.

If we can be of service please contact me asap and we will make the appropriate arrangements. We have a current passports and are vaccinated, however we don't have a current visa for India. My last one expired in '02.

I have friends located in Delhi and Bangalore and Kandy (S.L.) that could assist us.

Lisa Hewerdine

Tel: +61 883632154
Fax: +61 883632162
Mob: +61404474734

Singapore - transport available for delivering relief material to embassies

Hi all,

Any old colthings, shoes, towels, blankets, medical supplies, canned food , Instant noodles, etc, kindly collect them in plastic bags or cardboxes if you wish to donate. My lorry will be doing collection this sat and sun and will sent the items to the various affected country's embassies. Please let me know again if you wish to contribute. You can contact me @90990812.


Source: post by Vincent (http://www.ryze.com/go/entrepot) on the Ryze Singapore Sling Network

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Singapore - complimentary Reiki healing sessions offered

If you are aware of anybody who has lost a dear one and is in trauma, I am willing to offer complimentary healing sessions to such persons. Such healing will help to give them calmness of mind and help in emotional release. Should it be necessary I can make house calls as well.

Please circulate this message to your friends. I can be contacted at : 81121634 (h/p) OR 62477348.


visit his ryze page at http://www.ryze.com/go/ParagPattani

Large Transportation Trucks For Colombo

My name is Sean Patric and I am working closely with the STF to transport and distribute supplies primarily to the East of Sri Lanka. At the moment we are supplying to the coastal areas between Pandirippu and Panama. We currently have around eleven large trucks for transportation of goods and personnel on the ground to assist with distribution. We require supplies which we will pick up in most location in and around Colombo and areas inland. We should also be able to provide assistance moving areas to other parts of the island as well.

I can be contacted at [Information removed on Patric's request; please contact him via his blog, if you should want to get in touch.]

I also occasionally post information on my personal blog at http://lbinc.info/

Certified Wilderness EMT

I am a certified Wilderness EMT in the US and live in Michigan. I can leave immediately to any location with tsunami survivors that require immediate emergency medical care.

Please contact me to point me in the right direction of an organization I can hook up with and if anyone is able to provide a plane ticket or financial help with purchasing a plane ticket?


Forensic Anthropologist Volunteer

My name is Meghann. I'm an archaeologist with forensic anthropology in by vita. Would like to volunteer physically. Have no money. Any information would be appreciated. maedevil@yahoo.com

Offer to Come Assist

Hello my name is Jaclyn and I am 19. I am wanting to volunteer my time in the next 5-6 months to help the Tsunami victims. I am willing to drop college this semester to go overseas and do whatever help I can. My heart was broken seeing all the small children who are homeless and parentless. Please let me know about any organizations that will send me over to help. Thank You

Looking for Help Out On Phi Phi

I am from South Africa and would like to know if there is any way that I could assist on Phi Phi. I stayed there in Oct and made friends with many of the locals. I don't mind any type of work and I can leave anytime. My email address is shaunnel@absamail.co.za Kind Regards, Shaun Nel

Cooking Experience Offered

I would like to know if anyone has information on how to help. I dont have the funds to donate money but I have skills that I think can be of use.
I am an american chef an am prepared to travel on immidiate notice. I can do large quantity preparation of food and have done before for 1000 people at a time(though not in an emergency situation)I would really like to do anything I can, as I lived in SE Asia for 7 years and am very fond of the place and the people. Please if anyone can let me know how, please email me at jmsingapore@yahoo.com
Feel free to forward this to any volounteer org you may know of that can use my help.
thank you
James M. Budapest Hungary

Assistance Offered in Bali

I am currently living in Indonesia, Bali, and would like to volunteer to help in Aceh. You can contact me at pgw1@yahoo.com or 62 (0)818 560 936.

Assistance Offered in Southern Thailand

We are from the u.s. and are currently in southern thailand. we are desperate to know what we can do to aid in the relief anywhere in south-east asia. we are willing to travel to wherever we are most needed. please let us know what we can do.

please contact us via email at shainabocci@hotmail.com and chelsabocci@yahoo.com

Assistance Offered in Gujurat

hello, im in gujurat and can volunteer to help out in chennai or any other affected areas. please get in touch with me on 0288 3017616 or 09324515172 or vibharao@gmail.com
please get back to me.
vibha ra

Donations in Philadelphia

I am planning to ship used/new clothes and other relief materials to India directly and make sure that they are handed out to the volunteers and relief agencies working directly in the affected areas.
If anybody is interested in donating used clothes, blankets and other needed items in and around the new jersey, philadelphia area, please let me know ... If needed I can pick these up from your place.

Please mail me at tsunamirelief@yahoo.com

Support From Delhi

Centre for Education and Communication (CEC), Jagori, Other Media and Delhi Forum are calling a meeting on December 28, 2004 at 2.30 pm at Gandhi Peace Foundation, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg, New Delhi. The meeting will discuss how could we provide support from Delhi.

Doctors Willing To Help - US, India, Canada

--- Posts by blog readers ----

I am a doctor in Bangalore and willing to help.i am fluent in tamil .please contact me at
(98450 11800/26696163/26699984 or docmona75@hotmail.com)
am a fresh medical graduate.dont know tamil .yet want to be of any help.can i?contact-09811462722

I am a Pediatric Resident,currently in the US. I know Hindi, but not Tamil. Could I be of any help? I could ship you medical supplies from here or would like to volunteer my services for 1week-10days.
Contact number for previous message(Pediatric Resident)- shahhetal88@yahoo.com



OR YOU CAN CONTACT ME AT: 705.761.3364 OR 705.741.4976

More UK Volunteers Willing to Help

-- From Blog Readers----

If anyone knows of any opportunities to actually go out and help in any of the affected areas, please could they email me (m.baumback@vmd.defra.gsi.gov.uk). My husband and I are both healthy and willing to help in whatever ways we can, all the relief agencies seem to want only doctors or money. Surely there is a need for unskilled but willing manpower?
Shellie Baumback

Hello, I'm a British citizen now resident in Bangalore. I'm in the UK right now for xmas but am returning to India on 7th January. I'd like to offer my help in any way possible. Unfortunately I'm not a doctor, simply an English teacher currently working as a trainer in a call-centre, but I have 2 strong arms and am willing to travel anywhere and do anything - please let me know how I can help. I can be contacted on fkimberlin@yahoo.com

More Interested Volunteers From USA Willing to Help

--- From Blog Readers----

I am very interested in helping, volunteer in anyway possible. I am self employed and can give a month of my time for service if need be. Looking for an opportunity either here (US) or abroad that would maximize best use of my ability. I do a lot of work in energy and would like to help rebuilt some of the electricity infrastructure, provide emergency generation, etc. Additionally, I have experiance in construction and could help rebuild, whther its martshalling resources or just grabbing a hammer and nail. My e-mail is tynan@tskenergy.com


Hello, my name is Amy I live in Hawaii and would be able to volunteer in southeast asia for the next couple of weeks. I am currently in nursing school and could assist a doctor or registered nurse in providing care. My father would also like to volunteer, he is a minister and has carpentry experience. We can be reached at michaelnamyd@yahoo.com


My name is Mona and I live in New York. I really want to volunteer my time - two or three weeks - to help out in any way I can. I particularly want to go to Banda Aceh so please let me know if there are any States-side agencies taking volunteers. If it might help, I am Muslim.Please contact me at monanyc2005@yahoo.com

Volunteer In UK Ready To Work - IT, Woodwork,Construction Skills

I am a fit and healthy 48 year old male, self-employed and currently between contracts. My skills lay in the IT industry, but love getting my hands dirty and have good building and woodworking skills. I would like to offer my services to somehow help in any way I can in the areas affected by the earthquake. I am able to make my own way to wherever required, can leave at short notice (i.e. immediately), and can live off of my own resources if required to do so. Contact me if you know of any organisation that is looking for volunteers.neil@themusearts.co.uk

Australian Ready To Volunteer - Knows bahasa (Indonesia), Extensive Logistics Experience In Indonesia

Australian Ready To Volunteer

Im an Australian who speaks bahasa Indonesia Fluently and with 22 years experience as emergency services worker. Also very familiar with remote areas of Indonesia and lived in Sri Lanka . I am ready to help any emergency sevice organisation with logistics etc etc in Aceh area or anywhere needed in SE Asia.
I have extensive admin and logistics eceperience in Indonesia.

Martin Newbery.
Email mbnewbery@bigpond.com

ph +61322683557


My name is Brad im 23 from perth Australia, i want to head to indonesia asap to help out in any way i can i was wondering if you knew of any volunteer groups heading over from here or where i could meet up with an organisation to offer my help..i have a very good understanding of the indonesian language and culture and hve lived in indonesia for extended periods of time.. i am ready to leave asap and am up for anything just get me some contact details if you could, that would be much appreciated...thanks

Brad Fraser from perth here my email address in bradfraser81@yahoo.com

Mailing List Members in Chennai - Ready to Volunteer

Mailing list members of chennailist@yahoo.com ready to volunter. Please send emails to the list to get more information.

Set of Mailing List Members Ready To Volunteer

-- From a Blog Reader ---

There is a mailing list created for people who would like to volunteer for the SEA-EAT disaster. Its aim is to gather volunteers and seek our suitable volunteering opportunities. The Yahoo Groups page of this site is http://groups.yahoo.com/group/volunteers_sea-eat/

All e-mail with volunteering opportunities or information can be sent to volunteers_sea-eat@yahoogroups.com

Thank and lets keep the spirit of volunteering alive.
Cheers, Prash

Team of 5 volunteers available in Tamil Nadu, India


This is Samuel Harris. Indeed a good team and a plan is the need to help in the relief operations.I'm representing a team of 5 people in Tamilnadu. We are ready to volunteer in the relief operations.We posted many such messages but got no response. We are MBA students and so we dont have the influence to start relief operations on our own. Unless we go with the team we would end up with no work. But we can very well coordinate in a team and do some physical work.

Kindly contact me anytime:

Samuel Harris: 098954 68788, 0484 2555293
Prasanth: 093888 18031

Pediatric Resident in US can send medical supplies

I am a Pediatric Resident,currently in the US. I know Hindi, but not Tamil. Could I be of any help? I could ship you medical supplies from here or would like to volunteer my services for 1 week-10days.
Contact - shahhetal88@yahoo.com

Doctor in Bangalore offers help

Hi, I am a doctor in Bangalore and willing to help.
I am fluent in tamil.
Please contact me at (98450 11800/26696163/26699984 or docmona75@hotmail.com)

Want to volunteer in India?

Then some contact info:

Delhi: Times Foundation,
The Times of India Building,
7, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
New Delhi – 110 002
Telephone: +91 11 23302103
Fax: +91 11 23319764

Mumbai: Times Foundation,
The Times of India Building,
Dr D N Road, Mumbai – 400 001
Telephone: +91 22 22733535
E-mail: timesfoundation@timesgroup.com

(Information kindly provided by Ms. Vijaya Moorthy)

Volunteer here with Medicins Sans Frontieres

For volunteering Info for the following countries:- Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA


Emirates offers assistance to stranded passengers

Middle eastern airliner Emirates has initiated emergency plans to enable travellers to leave areas struck by the tsunamis as quickly as possible.

Emirates confirmed that affected passengers will be re-accommodated regardless of any ticket restrictions.

Emirates has activated a 24-hour Customer Helpline for information relating to the airline's services. The Dubai helpline is 971-4-214 4021 while the call centre's number in Malaysia is 03-2058 5888.

Source: Bernama

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Finding Missing Persons in Srilanka - Help Offered

Search web site for relatives, friends and visitors:


LAcNet, December 28, 2004.

Together with LK Domain Registry, Department of Computer Science & Engineering - University of Moratuwa, LAcNet has established a new website www.findthem.lk where people can register to request information about loved ones missing during the Tsunami disater in Sri Lanka. Please kindly note that process of searching information of your friends/relatives might take couple of days. (information from Moblog-tsunami assistance)

Help Offered By SOS Children's Villages of India

An Appeal From SOS Villages:
"The SOS Children's Villages of India is setting up Emergency Child Relief Centres in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, especially in the worst affected areas of Nagapattinam and Cuddulore. We will take in as many children as we can reach. A team of SOS co-workers and SOS Mothers who have expertise in providing care to children in such circumstances will manage the relief camps. Ultimately, children who remain with us will be provided long term care at SOS Children's Village.

The SOS Children's Villages of India is a voluntary child-care organisation providing direct and indirect care to about 2 lakh children in India.

The SOS Children's Villages of India appeals to you to contribute donations of any amount for emergency relief work for the children affected by the devastating tidal wave in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh."

Send demand drafts, cash, money orders or cheques in favour of 'SOS Children's Villages of India' to:

SOS Children's Villages of India
A-7 Nizamuddin West
New Delhi-110013
Phone: (011) 2435-9540
Fax: (011) 2435-9461
email: soscvi@vsnl.com
Website: www.soscvindia.org

SOS Children's Villages have also issued an appeal to people in the affected areas--please bring orphans or children who cannot find their families to their centres in Vishakhapatnam or Chennai.

Cash Donations Help Offered in Mumbai

Can we collect cash from people in Mumbai and send it to the PM's relief fund? A lot of people have asked if they can contribute. These people cannot go to the disaster area but have the heart to open their wallets.

Can someone suggest a way in which old clothes, dry food etc that maybe collected be sent to Tamil Nadu / Nicobar Islands?

You can reach me anytime on 09819298806

Sunil R Nair