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Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Help offered in Phuket, Thailand during late Jan

My husband and I were panning a vacation in Phuket, Thailand for January 15-30. In light of the awful events, we decided we'll still go and volunteer in any way we can. We have dear friends in India and Thailand and feel so fortunate that no one we love was lost. We want to help those who are suffering.

As for our skills: We've both got some backcountry medicine skills-- but are not doctors. We're writers/editors/teachers, in our 30s and fit, and we've both lived in third world countries, have good organizational/leadership skills, and have build houses with Habitat for Humanity. We know it'll be tough and we are ready to help any way that's needed. If anyone knows how civilians can get involved and assist, and what help is most needed, please contact us: megan_ga29@hotmail.com or brianshott@hotmail.com

We're also getting in touch with World Vision, CARE, Red Cross, and Doctors Without Borders.

Megan Gallagher & Brian Shott
San Francisco, CA
2 Comments Post a Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said :

For those of you in Australia cleanskins.com have setup their Wine Website with two fundraisers that will donate 10% of sales to recognised relief funds.

If you are a wine drinker and want to donate you can simply go to http://www.cleanskins.com , order wine and put in the words "victimsappeal" (red cross) or "crisisappeal" (oxfam) as a promotional code.

Please let anyone organising parties or weddings over summer that this is a good cause.

12:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hello Megan and Brian--

I know of a project in Phuket that could use your help -- we are rebulding the school which was destroyed. Contact me if you're still in Thailand. B.bokut65@yahoo.com

Thanks so much for your compassion and energy.


3:04 AM