More Volunteers - US, Australia
--- From the blog ----
Does anybody know of any centres setup in Brisbane/Australia to collect clothes,shoes and blankets.
If there is none, would there be any volunteers to help me setup? Please email me on
I am looking to help the victims by giving something other than money. I live in florida and leanred this year what a natural disaster can do to a community. I would also like to include a group of nine yr olds in my efforts. Does anyone have any ideas of what to do or collect or who to contact? thanks!
I have 2 daughters who live in thailand and my wife and i are hoping to move there permanently this year. I am hoping to give voluntary help for as long as it is necessary, paying my own expenses fully.
I am used to long hours and hard work and would welcome the opportunity to help in any way possible, i have a longstanding background in organisational and logistical skills within transportation, and general management.
I am available at short notice.
Contact me at
I am from California and would very much like to volunteer in SE Asia, doing anything I can to help. I know a lot of people have requested similar info-has anyone found an organization that is in need of volunteers? I am available immediately, and will take care of my own expenses, of course. I just need someone to point me in the right direction. I can be reached at
Does anybody know of any centres setup in Brisbane/Australia to collect clothes,shoes and blankets.
If there is none, would there be any volunteers to help me setup? Please email me on
I am looking to help the victims by giving something other than money. I live in florida and leanred this year what a natural disaster can do to a community. I would also like to include a group of nine yr olds in my efforts. Does anyone have any ideas of what to do or collect or who to contact? thanks!
I have 2 daughters who live in thailand and my wife and i are hoping to move there permanently this year. I am hoping to give voluntary help for as long as it is necessary, paying my own expenses fully.
I am used to long hours and hard work and would welcome the opportunity to help in any way possible, i have a longstanding background in organisational and logistical skills within transportation, and general management.
I am available at short notice.
Contact me at
I am from California and would very much like to volunteer in SE Asia, doing anything I can to help. I know a lot of people have requested similar info-has anyone found an organization that is in need of volunteers? I am available immediately, and will take care of my own expenses, of course. I just need someone to point me in the right direction. I can be reached at
My husband and I were panning a vacation in Phuket, Thailand for January 15-30. In light of the awful events, we decided we'll still go and volunteer in any way we can. We have dear friends in India and Thailand and feel so fortunate that no one we love was lost. We want to help those who are hurt.
As for our skills: We've both got some backcountry medicine skills-- but are not doctors. We're writers/teachers, in our 30s and fit, and we've both lived in third world countries, and build houses with Habitat for Humanity. So, we aren't wimps! We know it'll be tough and we are ready to help any way that's needed. If anyone knows how civilians can get involved and assist, and what help is most needed, please contact us: or
We're also getting in touch with World Vision, CARE, and Doctors Without Borders.
God bless!
Megan Gallagher & Brian Shott
My children have collected a bag of wearable clothing and purchased 1000 exercise books that we would like to forward to an orphange or village in one of the regions affected by the tsunami, we have also donated cash to a couple of the aid organisations but the children wanted to send something els for the children. Can anyone offer advice in getting these items to the intended recipiecnts as none of the aid organisations in Australia that we know of are accepting goods -only cash. Please contact at
many thanks