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Wednesday, January 05, 2005

More volunteers

From mails to our team:

Patrick Perera - I am working closely with the STF to transport and distribute supplies primarily to the East of Sri Lanka. At the moment we are supplying to the coastal areas between Pandirippu andPanama. We currently have around eleven large trucks for transportationof goods and personnel on the ground to assist with distribution. We require supplies which we will pick up in most location in and aroundColombo and areas inland. We should also be able to provide assistancemoving areas to other parts of the island as well. Email :[Information removed on Patrick's request; please contact him via his blog
, if you should want to get in touch.]

Nicky Clark - i am a female firefighter (6 years) with somemedical training. i have used light portable pumps and cutting equipment. i am available to help abroad for atleast 6 weeks, i willpay for any costs of flights and transfers etc. i have consulted mydoctor and had the required injections. Email:christian@pottsbarn.wanadoo.co.uk Phone: 01458274942 or 07970433680

Daran Jones - I am an ex British serviceman with first aid instructional experience and am trained in health and safety, food hygine/preperation. aditionally am trained and competent in a variety of outdoor activities, including survival training. I am an able bodied person who is willing to give help and assitance to anyorganisation willing to afford the flight ticket to Indonesia, theworst hit area. I have a valid british pasport, and am willing to provide support and assistance in planning, searching, or just manning a soup tent, or supplying first aid. Email daran@dott64.fsnet.co.uk, Postal address: 28 Darwin Close,Broughton Astley Leicester England le96xd. I am currently unemployed and willing to embark once plans are made.
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